Various types of corruption


Corruption is any willful diversion from the right, accepted and commonsense path. It can have many facets. It surrounds political, social, psychological, economical and religious cores. People when talk about corruption they produce a narrow image of it and are thoroughly concentrated to often political-cum-economic attributes of it blaming political leaders, bureaucrats and administrators of some kind. But the corruption transcends the normal human understanding.

The embezzlement of public funds is not the only form of bribery, it is corruption when people backtrack from their responsibility or liability, it is corruption when the justice is delayed or denied, it is corruption when the knowledge of any discipline whether religious or mundane is distorted and then spread to create mutiny or detraction,  it is corruption when the bad practices are introduced in any social setup which later damage any social fabric or cultivate lethargy or inability among youths, it is corruption when disloyalty is fashioned in a country people. Besides, there are many such examples which explain the various kinds of corruption.

The question here arises what causes the corruption. The answer can solely be traced from the psychological domain. The most important of all is greed which stimulates the people to do some wrong. The greed is not necessarily the product of insecurity of future but it is the one of the character which is genetically placed in the human system. The greed is generally the sister of positive and rightful interest. But when the piety is sidelined the greed penetrates.

Apart from greed there might be valid causes behind a person’s indulgent in the corruption. Whatever the reason but corruption in its all forms and manifestation is a wrong act and will cause the osteoporosis in the vital skeleton of any micro or macro system. Every responsible person must fight against corruption or else there will be a gloomy future waiting for the generations to come.


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