Can Karachi become a province?

shrine of quaz azam muhammad ali jinnah karachi
Mazar E Quaid Karachi Sindh

Governments make administrative adjustments for certain reasons, for example when they are compelled by the necessity of stress-free administration (Bengal case 1905), or if there is some ethnic problem which is causing disturbance in maintenance of peace among others. When one looks at the Karachi there are neither administrative strains as the provinces of Pakistan are already decentralized administratively there are divisions, districts, talukas and UCs each with handsome executive workforces for running their affairs, nor there are any pole apart division in the population causing disruptions as there are multiple linguistic, ethnical, geographic and religious groups who do not see eye to eye among and even within each other. The dominant group which is demanding Karachi as a separate province is Urdu speaking (muhajir) people who might be in numbers greater than any other resident group of the metropolitan but they are not in absolute majority with considerable manifesto for separation and they have also not convinced other people toward their journey.

Problem of creating separate provinces is precarious even much treacherous when this amount to vivisection of any motherland. Sindh which is considered complete when Karachi remains its vital part. It is the monumental place, entertaining spot, business hub, babul Islam, a sign of literate and developed Sindh and a connection of Sindh with the entire world. How can the people of Sindh afford losing this immensely important part from them?

Demanding Karachi of particular group is aimless insistence which is causing misery and restlessness among the other people of Sindh. They are angry over such move and are ready to fight with any person, against any procedure and at any place. They want complete Sindh remain within the same boundary eternally. If the waywardness of the perpetrators persists the reaction could washout any inter-ethnic bond material. We must not deem this matter lightly.  It is the long lasting and highly detrimental civil war which will extinguish any possible prospects of countries progress.

It is better not to disturb the historically geographical setup of Sindh and better to seek other boulevards to deal with the hitches of the metropolitan. The only way out to the problems of Karachi is the sincere and honest will and work of officials and leaders which will remove any new geographical breakup solution from minds of people.

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