Virtual Reality History

Virtual Reality exists today is evolution of different innovations and technologies. Panoramic painting was early attempt of virtual reality. These painting are created in such fantastic way whenever any people look into these, these painting creating an illusion and they detached themselves to panoramic paining. These paining create a vision inside viewers’ minds and make feel them present with place, people or event postured in painting.

Stereoscopic photos & viewers are another attempt of virtual reality. Viewing two dimension of photos create illusion or vision in mind and viewer feel themselves connect and feel joy virtually without physical attachment.

In 1929 Edward Link created trainer for aviators (Patented 1936) which was commercial flight simulator. This simulator was electromechanical and was controlled through motors. Aviator trainer was used by thousands of World War 2 pilots for flight training. Flight training are still using by trainee pilots with latest digital technologies.

Morton Heilig Cinematographer developed the Sensorama (patented 1962) which was arcade-style theatre cabinet which simulated sound, sight and other senses. Sensorama consists of sound, stereoscopic display and vibrating chair.


Morton Heilig (1960) invented mount-head gear also filed patent of its invention. There was limitation in his invention like it was not user interactive.  In 1961 Headsight was designed by two engineers Comeau and Bryan of Philco Corporation. It was first motion tracking head mounted display (HMD).

Ivan Sutherland (1965) presented idea of head mount display called ultimate display. He explained to view the physical world with head mount display like real world and user would not differentiate between the real world and virtual world. He also said virtual environment would user interactive and user would interact with virtual objects.

Thomas A Furness (1968) invented Head mounted Display for flight simulation.

Flight Simulation

Suthereland (1968) with his student worked on Virtual reality area and invented the first user interactive head mounted display was named the Sword of Damocles fig.03. This was the first head set for Virtual reality and directed future direction in field of virtual reality.

Fist Mounted Head Display

As result of these developments commercial development was started in 1988. In 1991 first commercial virtual reality system named “Virtually” was released.

As result of Evolution in Virtual Reality, many headsets like Oculus, Google DayDream Play Station VR and Samsung Gear and many companies have produced different devices for Virtual reality systems.

Tags: Virtual Reality, VR, Virtual Reality History, History, Oculus

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